Activity Based Costing: Meaning, Definitions, Features, Steps, Limitations, Benefits, Uses and Examples


This information includes an estimate of the activity based costing of activity for each cost driver, which is needed to calculate a predetermined rate for each activity. Managers can easily update their time-driven ABC models to reflect changes in operating conditions. To add more activities for a department, they don’t have to reinterview personnel; they can simply estimate the unit time required for each new activity.

What is the benefit of ABC costing?

  • ABC Makes Indirect Costs Traceable.
  • ABC Informs Pricing Strategies.
  • ABC Helps Pinpoint Activities that Don't Add Value.
  • ABC Helps Pinpoint Unprofitable Products.

Thus, in, overhead cost is attributed to the cost centre or unit on the basis of number of activities undertaken in production. Activity-Based Costing is one in which costs are first identified to activities and then to the products. It is a system which focuses on activities performed to produce products. ABC system assumes that activities that are responsible for the incurrence of costs and products create the demand for activities. Costs are charged to the products based on individual product’s use of each activity. Activities can be perceived as consumers of resources in production of materials, services, events, or information.

Requirements for Activity-Based Costing (ABC)

Idle capacity is isolated and not charged to a product or service. Under traditional approaches, some idle capacity may be incorporated into the overhead allocation rates, thereby potentially distorting the cost of specific output. This may limit the ability of managers to truly understand and identify the best business decisions about product pricing and targeted production levels. Absorption-costing, or full costing, has for years been the most common method of allocating manufacturing overhead. This approach takes the full amount of manufacturing overhead and spreads it equally across the production volume of all products. It does not consider that certain products may be responsible for more or fewer costs from specific activities.


Let’s say that if the chemical is already packaged in a way that meets standard requirements, it should take 0.5 minutes to prepare it for shipment. If the item requires a new package, however, the manager estimates, either from experience or from making several observations, that an additional 6.5 minutes will be required to supply the new packaging. And if the item is to be shipped by air, he or she knows that it will take about 2 minutes to put the package in an air-worthy container. Harold Averkamp has worked as a university accounting instructor, accountant, and consultant for more than 25 years. He is the sole author of all the materials on The fundamental advantage of using an ABC system is to more precisely determine how overhead is used.

Activity Based Costing – Main Advantages

Estimated Base This formula applies to all indirect costs, whether manufacturing overhead, administrative costs, distribution costs, selling costs, or any other indirect cost. Determine the appropriate cost drivers for the cost pools identified in #1. The allocated amounts are then summed up from all the cost pools for each product to arrive at the total amount of overhead allocated.

Activity-based costing, also known as ABC, deals with this problem. This happens because these traditional costing methodologies are focused on the various products that companies offer. Costs are assigned equally among these products because it’s assumed that each item/sku consumes the organization’s diverse resources in proportion to the volume of the products produced. A cost driver is something that controls changes in the cost of an activity.

Determine Per-Activity Rates

Better Reporting – ABC system provides better reporting of cost of activities and their performance which will help in taking suitable decision and in improving efficiency. Where selling prices are fixed on the basis of cost plus formula, ABC provides more reliable data for fixing selling prices. Identification of non-value adding activities helps the management to control cost. Hence, there is a need for more systematic and accurate system for cost ascertainment and cost control. The attempts to find a satisfactory answer to overcome the limitations of Traditional Costing resulted in the development of Activity-Based Costing. Improved cost-basis available both at head office and plant level for better decision making. The final words of comment over ABC system are that adoption, implementation and operation of the system is not an end in itself.

He opined, the traditional managerial accounting is at best useless, and at worst dysfunctional and misleading. Activity cost centres are, sometimes, similar to cost centres used under traditional costing system. In case the purchase department and purchasing activity both are treated as cost centres, the support activity cost centre also becomes identical to cost centre taken under traditional costing system. Generally, the products are cost objects, but the customers, services or locations can also be the cost objects.

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